Friday, December 27, 2013

Resolutions for 2014

2014 will be full of changes for my family! Adjusting to new things can be tough, especially large-scale things like where we live, work, and volunteer, and who shares our life with us. Instead of nailing down a bunch of quantifiable goals, I've decided to change things up. I have had long lists of resolutions for previous years, but 2014 bodes to be both simpler and fuller in several ways. So my new year's resolutions are less numerous, but larger in scale.
CC by BazaarBizarreSF (Flickr)

1) Goals
I want to finish as many of the items on my 101 List as I can. The technical deadline is August 31, 2014, but I might extend it to the end of the year.

2) Books
I need to update my LibraryThing collection for the Read Aloud program. I'd also like to start writing reviews, at least for the books that have been most notable (for me, or for the students). I will probably share those here on MLISunderstanding. I'll also keep up my Reading List for next year.

3) Money
I'm taking on a big project around saving and spending, and I'll be blogging about personal finance using actual personal numbers, which I don't usually do here. I've made a new blog to track progress and discuss money topics. That's also where I'll be moving my FTW menu and grocery feature. If you're interested in that, please read along, but if you'd rather take a pass, I completely understand.

4) Family
My wife and I hope to make major progress in our adoption timeline next year, and we know that many aspects of the process are unpredictable and beyond our control. I won't be sharing a lot about that on this blog. If you know me personally, though, please contact me off-blog if you'd like to know how things are going. We both appreciate your support.

We're nearing the end of the year, and I hope it finishes on an upswing for everyone. If you're taking a break from school or work, enjoy it. Sleep in! Take a nice walk! Read something just for fun! Feel free to share your own resolutions or goals for 2014 in the comments.

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