Thursday, February 29, 2024

TBR List Update: February


I'm working my way through #VirtualMountTBR2024. Here's my current To-Be-Read List, and here's the list of titles I have read this year.

In February 2024

Books read: 7

Books I decided NOT to finish: 2

The Tropic of Serpents: #2 in a series I started last year. Just not compelling enough to keep.

Secrets of Happiness: Honestly, I got it in person, flipped through it, and decided, "Too literary." It won a lot of awards, though.

Life Undercover

Books left on the TBR List: 72

Best book of the month: Hench

This is the first title I added to the 2024 list, way back about a year ago. I deeply enjoyed the witty repartee between the main character and her friends.

Worst book of the month: 

Most of them were disappointing, but none were really bad. I'm not going to name a "worst".

I've started adding a few new titles to the current TBR List, rather than maintaining a separate one for next year. I'm hoping that I'll have it whittled down enough by the end of 2024 that I won't need to keep up the challenge next year and can just read what I want to and happen across.