Sunday, April 30, 2023

TBR List Update: April


I'm working my way through #VirtualMountTBR. Here's my current To-Be-Read List, and here's the list of titles I have read this year.

In April 2023

Books read: 7

Books I decided NOT to finish: 2

I really liked how it felt to say no and remove a book from the list. Weirdly freeing. I'm making note here of what the books were and why, just because.

Rebel Cinderella: biography of a woman I'd never heard of before -- an Emma Goldman type who married Prince Charming scion of a blueblood family. It was interesting reading about the media coverage of their match... but I found myself skipping ahead, not going back to it, picking up another book instead. It can go.

Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader: for perhaps the pettiest reason -- the text was too small. I didn't like the font. It seemed like too much work that week that my brain was craving spring breezes and sappy sci-fi. *shrug*

Books left on the TBR List: 104

Best book of the month: All the Women in My Family Sing

I guess? It was a chewy collection of essays, all by women of color. One of them was from the Bay Area, and her first few paragraphs of what it felt like to be a new mother trying to make friends among parental peers had me jumping up from my seat with recognition. (The kids at a school storytime often sign SAME with like enthusiasm when a point resonates with them.)

Worst book of the month: Gifts

Less than I had hoped for from Ursula LeGuin; I had forgotten part of the way through that this was the first in a series, so I expected more development of the conflict and then some resolution. Just meh overall.

This was a busy month! I didn't read nearly as much, so I am behind (peering out from my stack of library holds) and decided to not any new holds from the list in June. (May's are already ordered.) Hopefully I'll have some time to catch up! Or some difficult choices as to what to return unread.