Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Huffing and Puffing into the Home Stretch

The semester is almost over! I got an email this morning announcing that the graduation ceremony for SJSU is this Saturday. I've still got another year to go, but I congratulate those who will walk (and those in the virtual SLIS program who are celebrating at home).

LIBR 248: I took my Cataloging final yesterday, and it looks like I'll have my first B+ (for the semester). Feeling weird about that -- but it's over. That class covered a LOT of material, and I'm looking forward to being able to apply it to a real catalog. I think practical experience will really cement the book knowledge (heh) I got from the course.

LIBR 268: I completed my presentation deck on Bridge to Terabithia Monday, but I'm having some trouble making the narration work on BrainShark. (If I get it together, I'll post a link.) In the meantime, my course grade so far is over 100% (yay for extra credit!), so I'm confident that I'll finish up strong. All I have left is the final paper (same subject, expanded) and the darn reference list (hate formatting those things, but I have good sources).

LIBR 275: A week and a half ago I turned in my term paper on universal access to high-speed Internet at the public library. Haven't gotten my grade yet, but it's half of my semester grade. When just a few points can drop me from an A to a B, I get overly concerned about them.

LIBR 285: (This was the 4-week course, so it wrapped up a while back.) I already know I have an A. The professor liked my final project (which involved working on this blog to improve my online personal brand), and mentioned that he'd like to see me present to one of his later classes.

All right! Time to go head-down in anticipation of great rewards. Turn in the 268 paper, then a couple weekends OFF. No tech. No church. Sunshine! And extra sleep.

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