Wednesday, January 1, 2025


It's year three of this challenge, for me. The Virtual Mount TBR (to-be-read) challenge is hosted by Bev at My Reader's Block. Participants start with a list of books they don't own but have been meaning to read, and the challenge is scaling a virtual mountain by either reading or deciding to remove them unfinished from the list. You can sign up here! (If you have a literal pile of books, #MountTBR2025 is for you.)

Guidelines (and feel free to adapt them if you'd like to challenge yourself!):

  • Have a known list to begin the year. I have consolidated mine into the tool my library uses and have a list of ~50 titles here: TBR List.
  • Try not to add anything new! But it's okay to read off-list. I left a little room for this by making a less challenging goal this year.
  • Keep track of what I'm reading on my usual page: Reading List.
  • Remove titles from the TBR list as I complete them, OR as I decide that I will be okay never reading/finishing them.

I am aiming for White Plume Mountain (48 books) and I have 57 on my TBR list + in-progress stack at the beginning of the year. I will be updating at the end of each month (and sporadically otherwise) with a running total and some commentary.

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