Sunday, June 30, 2024

TBR List Update: June


I'm working my way through #VirtualMountTBR2024. Here's my current To-Be-Read List, and here's the list of titles I have read this year.

In June 2024

Books read: 2

Books I decided NOT to finish: 3

Predators: Who They Are and How to Stop Them: Going through some stuff right now that made me not want to read more. Good advice in what I did read, though.

REMY: I *had* to try a book with my own name! Then I couldn't get through the writing in the first pages. Too much telling without showing. Slow and ungainly. I gave up on myself.

The Orphan Collector: Started it again, got half a chapter further, skimmed a bit, and decided it was too slow/boring.

Life Undercover

Books left on the TBR List: 58 (yes, it's getting bigger now)

Best book of the month: 
There's not much to choose from...

Mad Honey was fine; I saw the twist coming (not always true with Jodi Picoult!) and it was handled well. Perhaps groundbreaking at the time it was published? I wrote, until I checked and found it it was from 2022. I liked the setting and learning more about bees!

Worst book of the month: I haven't finished enough to say!

I had a lot of balls to juggle this month, between work and home responsibilities. Starting in July I'll be on sabbatical/family leave, and there will be traveling, so hopefully some free time to read.

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