Thursday, November 30, 2023

TBR List Update: November


I'm working my way through #VirtualMountTBR. Here's my current To-Be-Read List, and here's the list of titles I have read this year.

In November 2023

Books read: 3

Books I decided NOT to finish: 2

The Secret Life of Groceries: This has been sitting half-read on my list since 2022, and I have accepted that I'm not going to finish it. I do feel like I got some of the same info from the undercover journalist at Wal-mart in The American Way of Eating last month.

Juicy Mother: The only copy of this graphic novel for adults has gone missing at my library, and I don't want to read it badly enough to pursue interlibrary loan.

Life Undercover

Books left on the TBR List: 36

Best book of the month: Hide / Winter's Orbit

A tie! I enjoyed these two very much, of the four that I actually completed this month. (There are reasons for that. My hands are full.)

Worst book of the month: The Baker Street Letters

It wasn't as bad as all that; just bottom of the list of four. The main character was somewhat repellent, and I wasn't pleased for him at the end.