Tuesday, April 30, 2024

TBR List Update: April


I'm working my way through #VirtualMountTBR2024. Here's my current To-Be-Read List, and here's the list of titles I have read this year.

In April 2024

Books read: 9

It was my birthday month, and I had some protected time alone to read. But then I got sick at the end of the month and didn't get to read ANYTHING. It balanced out.

Books I decided NOT to finish: 1

Appalachian Reckoning: I put this on my list at the same time as Hillbilly Elegy, because I wanted to get a rounded perspective of the issues raised. However, I didn't find myself fully believing or supporting the author of the memoir, so when reading the response was slow-going, I eventually decided to pitch it.

Life Undercover

Books left on the TBR List: 65

Best book of the month: 
The Wishing Game

Wish fulfilment in so many ways!! I sobbed over this book. It's published for grownups. There is darkness in it -- and confrontation of the darkness. And yet I would hand it to a middle-schooler without hesitation. There is so much hope. I can see why there was a waiting list.

Worst book of the month: How Can I Help You

So... nothing HAPPENED in this mystery about murderous librarians. I did not care about the fate of either of the main characters, and the anticlimactic ending ground my gears. Also, I'm annoyed about the lack of punctuation in the title.